Cooking With Christie: Duivekater

Cooking With Christie!

This Week’s Recipe: Duivekater

So I was flipping thru my baking books and ran across this gem. I mean who wouldn’t want to bake a loaf of bread that’s supposed to resemble a shin bone (in lieu of real of sacrificing an animal) to protect against the devil during the holidays!

This is my very first attempt at baking this loaf, and it turned out ok. (I need a better pastry brush to paint it with egg so the shine is even.) In any case, it’s a tasty loaf that lends itself to french toast due to the spices flavoring it.

DO NOT put it in the toaster.

Ask me how I know.

Due to the amount of sugar (and I suspect the egg wash due to the char marks) even on the lowest toaster setting – the slice turns into a charcoal briquette…quickly.

Here’s the book that supplied me with the recipe:

Christie: I can see Poirot enjoying a slice of this bread. (If created by a defter hand than my own.) The hint of lemon, spices and slightly macabre I think would appeal to the Belgian.

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