Dossier Review!

Twin Peaks: The Final Dossier by Mark Frost

Okay, here’s the thing, I’ve been a fan of Twin Peaks since it first aired way back in 1990. So you can imagine my excitement when Lynch and Frost announced they were creating a third season. The only problem? I was in the midst of a years-long anxiety episode that rendered it nearly impossible for me to cope with anything but golden-age or historical mysteries. Even modern cozies were too much for my tiny little psyche to handle.

So, as you can surmise, season three of Twin Peaks was definitely out-of-bounds….until now! (I don’t know when the ability to imbibe in harder-boiled mysteries returned — I’m just utterly grateful it did.)

In any case, in anticipation of watching season three, I began working my way through the first two seasons so I could refresh my memory. Whilst doing so, somewhere or another on Twitter, The Final Dossier popped up on my feed, and I couldn’t resist.

Now my mistake was reading The Final Dossier prior to reaching the new episodes because of spoilers — but that’s on me. I knew better than to read a book published after the revival first aired….but honestly, I don’t regret it. It kept my frustration at bay whilst watching season three wondering what happened to my favorite characters in the twenty-five-year gap between episodes thirty & thirty-one. Frost’s Final Dossier also helps flesh out a few holes in season three itself.

Told as a series of dossiers and memorandums from Special Agent Tammy Preston to FBI Deputy Director Gordon Cole, this book is a riveting read for anyone who wants to know what happened to Audrey Horne, Donna Hayward, Shelly Johnson, and a whole host of other iconic Twin Peaks residents.

I would recommend Twin Peaks: The Final Dossier to anyone looking to sate the craving this sublime series inevitably leaves its audience with — I don’t believe it will leave you disappointed.

Plus, it’s just a pretty book.

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