Cooking With Christie! Easy Cream Biscuits

This Week’s Recipe: Easy Cream Biscuits

Inspiration: One Sunday, my husband had a hankering, and we just happened to have a small carton of cream on hand. So we made a batch of Betty Crocker’s Easy Cream Biscuits!

I say ‘we’ made the biscuits because the only other time I tried to make biscuits, I epically failed! They were the size of silver dollars and about as flat. They made decent crackers, but obviously, that wasn’t what I’d been aiming for, but they were tasty nonetheless. Hence, whilst making my second batch ever — I had supervision.

In addition, since that incident, I’ve got a rolling pin that’s got bits you put on it so you can’t roll things too thinly. (One of the issues of the other batch!)

Unsurprisingly, I didn’t alter the recipe a whit….and they turned out great!

Christie: Whilst I can’t see Poirot partaking of biscuits and gravy (as my husband I did), I can definitely see Inspector Japp tucking into a plate!