Cooking With Christie: Nostalgia

This Weeks’ Recipe: One Pot Homemade O’s

Flipping through the pages of a new cookbook, I ran across this recipe — which inspired quite a debate in our household. My husband, whose folks weren’t into serving highly processed canned goods, never enjoyed the original tinned version of this dish as a kid. So, when I went to make this from-scratch version, he assumed it was a main dish. Citing the fact it’s a pasta with a red sauce and sprinkled with parmesan — like spaghetti.

And, technically, I supposed both the original and look-alike versions are pasta dishes.

However, as a kid who’s eaten more than their fair share of canned goods, I never once connected the components to a traditional pasta dish. Moreover, my family always ate the original tinned version as a starchy side dish — since it didn’t actually contain any visible vegetables.

This debate went round and round (as I was cooking the dish). Finally, we compromised and added a bit of chicken for protein.

Even with this non-called-for-ingredient addition (as well as the deletion of garlic and onion (due to allergies) and the addition of grated celery root), it turned out really well! And if you’re looking for a trip down memory lane with a far superior version, this homemade o’s recipe is for you!

Christie: Honesty, the only detective I can ever see entertaining the idea of making One Pot Homemade O’s is Tuppence, who perhaps would make them for her kids.

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