Cooking With Christie: This Shouldn’t Work, But It Does

This Week’s Recipe: Blue Cheese & Buffalo Wing Sauce Pasta

Inspiration: In a fit of waste-not-want-not, we needed to find a use for a wedge of blue cheese and loose-fried ground beef. So my husband found a recipe here for blue cheese pasta — and we added (obviously) the beef, minced celery (for extra flavor), and a couple of tablespoons of buffalo wing sauce for spice.

Curiously, this pasta dish turned out great!

Learn From Our Later Mistake: In a later iteration, we topped this dish with parmesan cheese, which is a mistake as it makes the final dish entirely too salty!

One Great Later Addition: Frozen green peas, cooked with the minced celery in the butter (before you melt down the cheese), works really well, adding a green element without altering the funk or heat of the final dish!

Christie: Honestly, if plated well (and made without the minced beef), I can see Poirot enjoying a bowl of funky, funky pasta.