Cooking With Christie: Teaching an Old Dog New Tricks

Pasta Salad without any Pasta!

Inspiration: This isn’t a world shattering recipe, though it’s using a new ingredient to me-—quinoa! All you do is substitute a cup of quinoa for pasta, then use all the same stuff: cherry tomatoes, carrots, bell pepper, finely minced celery, zucchini, artichoke hearts, kalamata olives, and the dressing (I cheat and use Kraft’s Zesty Italian).

Christie: I can see Tuppence subbing quinoa for pasta for the same reason I did — to help her hubby be a little healthier!

Cooking With Christie!

This Week’s Recipe: Rye Sandwich Bread

So in a quest to master my new mixer, I tried my hand at rye bread, with mixed results.

Flavor-wise it was great, but the texture…was a tad disappointing. As I forgot, rye’s a much stickier dough, so I ended up adding too much flour.

This is the book where I found the recipe!

Now for once, other than over-adding by a smidge, I followed the recipe to the letter (shocking, I know). So, to keep my reputation of fiddling up to snuff, the next time I make this bread, I’m going to use bread flour in place of the all-purpose flour the recipe calls for and blackstrap molasses instead of the ordinary stuff….and perhaps add an extra dash of caraway seeds…

Christie: I think Hercule Poirot would enjoy rye sandwich bread. Especially if supporting a pretty and tasty open-faced sandwich called Smorrebrod – I learned about thanks to The Great British Bake Off series nine! (Here’s the link to what I’m talking about.)