Cooking with Christie: A Cookie I’d Never Heard of Before (But You Probably Have!)

This Week’s Recipe: Hot Chocolate Cookies

Inspiration: A friend of ours, my husband and I love playing board games with, invited us over to his house to celebrate his birthday. To fuel the mini-celebration, I asked what kind of cookie he’d like me to bake as a treat. After texting several suggestions, all of which would kill me due to the nuts they called for, he landed on Hot Chocolate Cookies.

This request immediately sent me to the internet because none of my many, many cookbooks contained a recipe for such a specimen. …and lo and behold, I found a recipe from a source I am quickly coming to trust — Ree Drummond, aka The Pioneer Woman.

Using a 72% dark chocolate and Swiss Miss cocoa mix and unsalted butter (on accident), I set to work…..and they turned out great! (Despite the fact I got melted chocolate everywhere due to an ill-placed kitchen rug I tripped on at a crucial moment. In any case….)

Even better? The Birthday Boy adored them!

Next time I make these, which I’ve got a feeling will be soon, I will try them with 100% dark chocolate. Whilst the 72% tamped down the sweet factor of the sugar, marshmallows, cocoa, and white chocolate chips — I think these might be even better with an extremely dark chocolate!

Christie: I believe Tuppence would enjoy making these for her kids as they are pretty simple to make but look unusual/exciting with the marshmallow on top!

(I also thought it worked well with The Mysterious Affair at Styles, since Hot Chocolate plays such an important part in the mystery!)

Cooking With Christie: Cookies!

Cooking With Christie!

This Week’s Recipe: Brown Butter-Chai Spice Snickerdoodles

Every year Bake From Scratch puts out a new holiday cookie magazine and honestly it’s the best one out there.

In fact all my families favorite cookies are created by them.

The Brown butter Snickerdoodles recipe, from this year’s magazine, is an excellent cookie. With the subtle nutty ones from the browned butter pairs so well with the warm sweet/spice of the snickerdoodle…It is an instant fave of the neighborhood!

Here’s the magazine where the recipe is from:

Christie: Honestly Poirot might like them, as they are a posher version of the normal cookie. But I think Hasting would swoon for them!